God must love colors.
Consider creation.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. . . And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered into once place, and let dry ground appear." . . . And God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky . . . "
And, then, imagine the following explosion of colors--
And, so the waters teemed with living creatures,
the birds flew above the earth,
the land produced living creatures and wild animals.. . .
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and, then He said, "Let us make man in our image". . . male and female he created them.
Consider human beings...
hair color, eye color, skin,
the blood running through our vascular system.
Consider nature.
Color is everywhere.
The sky, any body of water--
large or small--,
rocks, plants, and animals
from the showy zebra
to the rare species of fish at the bottom of a sea.
We understand that our eyes see color when light strikes them.
Consider nature.
Color is everywhere.
The sky, any body of water--
large or small--,
rocks, plants, and animals
from the showy zebra
to the rare species of fish at the bottom of a sea.
In fact, everything in the world has color.
Scientists study it.
There are thirteen pages in The World Book Encyclopedia, ancient edition.
and I'm not counting the pages from Wiki....
covering "color in paint, color in light, how the eyes see color,
how color fools the eye, color blindness," and more...
We think that apples are red.
However, try looking at one in a dark room.
(It will appear to be dark gray.)
If you look at an apple under a blue or green light,
it will appear black.
When we look at something,
we see it in terms of the light reflected from it.
We understand that our eyes see color when light strikes them.
Color and Scripture?
Blue describes the sky, Heaven and the Holy Spirit.
Green is associated with the meaning of growing.
Red, the color of blood, symbolizes life.
Scarlet, on the other hand, refers to blood atonement and sacrifice.
Black symbolizes sin, death, and famine.
Black symbolizes sin, death, and famine.
White portrays purity, righteousness, joy, light.
Purple symbolizes kingship and royalty.
Our churches are draped with purple cloths during Lent.
It was the color of the robe placed on Jesus before his crucifiction.
Our churches are draped with purple cloths during Lent.
It was the color of the robe placed on Jesus before his crucifiction.
Purple was the most difficult
color to make in Jesus' day;
because of this,
only royalty wore it.
If you live in the Midwest, the days have been dreary.
We note that the sky is often over-cast this time of the year.
The ground is sparsely covered with dirty snow-patches
a top a ground that is a gray/brown/green.
Spring is still weeks away,
and there's still a chance of a snow storm blasting us. . .
... but we are hopeful.
and there's still a chance of a snow storm blasting us. . .
... but we are hopeful.