Sunday, March 22, 2020

Details and God

"The devil is in the detail" was a phrase used more in our parent's generation-- an idiom that refers to perhaps a mysterious element hidden in the details, meaning that something might seem one way at first but with more time....

It originated with, "God is in the detail".... expressing that whatever one does should be done with care.

 The LORD directs the steps of the godly.
 He delights in every detail of their lives. 
Psalm 37:23

I am often awed by details that God has included in scripture. Understanding that all scripture is God-inspired and useful for instruction, I sometimes wonder Why all the particulars?

Noah received specific directions on the building of the Arc.
Exodus gave specifics on the construction of the Tabernacle, right down to the type of metal and wood to use for minor parts.
Leviticus was written as a handbook for priests and Levites as to how to carry out the duties of their office, specifically.
Numbers was a census registering clans and families.

Matthew begins with a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah--42 generations of them.
When Jesus feeds the 5,000 in the book of Mark, it tells of how the crowds were organized (in 50's and 100's) and tells what the disciples started with (5 loaves and 2 fish) and then what was left over (12 baskets of leftover bread and fish).
And, Revelation has details with numerous analogies and prophesies concerning the end times that it is difficult for most of us to wrap our minds around it.

As the CREATOR, consider the life of an ant, their colonies, their purposefulness. Consider the galaxies above, the millions of stars. Consider families, communities, countries, the earth and all its complexities and know that He does care. He is a God of details. He created it. He will redeem it. He keeps His promises.

So, just like all those who came before us, God is in the details of our lives.
Stuck at home? Out of work? Homeschooling kids? 

He knows when we sit and when we rise; 
He perceives our thoughts from afar.
 Psalm 139:2

He looks to the ends of the earth 
and sees everything under the heavens. 
     Job 28:24

Even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 
Matthew: 10:30

Knowing this, when you pull the covers over your head tonight
 or when you first place your feet on the floor in the morning, 
you may want to view yourself and the world differently.

If time, check out Bette Midler's "From A Distance" on u-tube

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My Corona List

... my morning devotions were about to-do lists. It was timely as I have what I call my Corona List of projects  during this self-quarantining time. 

Corona To-Do List:
___ clean out, reorganize two file cabinets
___ clean behind washer and dryer
___ hose down patio and outdoor furniture
___ sort through my closet; get rid of items
___ ....

I check out the list in the morning, take glances often during the day,  and reflect on it when climbing into bed. Sometimes, I figuratively pat myself on the back; sometimes, I chastise myself and feel my day has been not purposeful. 

Today’s devotion prompted me to think on Jesus and the Fruits of the Spirit and not what is happening with my little projects. If I did this, my list might look like this:

Jesus to-do List:
___ did I share joy with someone
___ was I patient when frustrated
___ did I use self-control when tempted not to
___ was I gentle when I wanted to show irritation
___ was I faithful as God would have me be faithful (especially in these unprecedented times
___ ....

There are nine Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5) including the above and also love, peace, kindness, goodness.

Image result for free Picture of Michelangelo's Creation PaintingMy time considering my experiences during the day with these attributes would definitely be more purposeful night-time reflections than what I did with a file cabinet or a closet full of clothes.  After all, God wants us to be holy. Holy? Impossible, but a good thing to strive towards.  In other words, did I use Jesus as an example for my own behavior?

Some of us due to self-quarantining have more time for reflection.
Hope this gives you something to think about as you walk your spiritual journey. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay connected to your Creator God.