During Biblical times, a person's name told something about them. For example, Ruth meant
beloved companion. You may remember from the Bible story that she refused to leave her mother-in-law... In another story, Rahab, the woman who gave lodging to spies and then sent them off in a different direction to protect the Israelites, means a
trustworthy and helpful woman. Never mind the fact that she was also a prostitute.
Names can describe expressions of hope, family history, birth circumstances, or places. For example, one of my grandson's name is "Hudson" as he was born soon after the plane crash on the Hudson River--when all were saved by an astute pilot.
Do you know the meaning of your own name? Did your parents choose your name because of its meaning? My husband chose our son's name; however, his name means
he makes his mother laugh, ...and he does so occasionally.
Betty means my God is bountiful. Lois means a superior woman. Lillian, resembling a lily. In my latest book, DO NOT BE DECEIVED, the central character is named Cassandra, which means, helper of men and disbelieved by men. Possible? You'll see...
When writing the book and considering the meaning of names, I did a little research into the many names we call God: Yahweh, Lord, Jehovah, Creator, All in All, Ancient of Days, Abba, Father, I AM.... In a particular devotional, the author referred to him as
Loving Mystery.
Our names are precious to us for whatever reason. Check out the meaning of your name and consider how its meaning may be tied into the God that created you, a God who considers you precious in his site.
May our heart's desire be to live in a way that honors His wonderful name!