Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Aldous Huxley and a Healing Story

Although written in the 1940's, this short novel lay hidden in a trunk for decades until discovered in 1997, by Sharon Stone, the American actress. JACOB'S HANDS gives us a story of transcendence, love, greed, and redemption set against the backdrop of California in the 1920's in 141 pages.

I'm not sure how I escaped reading Aldous Huxley when taking literature classes in high school and college, but curiosity caught hold in our local library when in the "H" section, and I chose JACOB'S HANDS, co-written with playwrite/novelist, Christopher Isherwood.

Jacob, protagonist, has the ability to heal, although this capability does not always work on everyone nor does it always work immediately. When a wealthy, young man with a debilitating condition asks Jacob to heal him, Jacob asks, "Do you want to be cured?"

Interesting question. Jacob's answer is even more captivating.

"There are folks that don't," Jacob tells the young man. "....They think they want to get well, but they don't inside. You can feel them holding on to their sickness. They know it and they've gotten used to it, and they don't know what they'll do without it. That scares them." pg 69

The young man decides that yes, he wants a new life, he wants to be healed. Jacob starts by telling him to "let go". Jacob keeps repeating, "Let go. I don't want you to hang on to yourself."

I cannot but help to make an analogy between our sinful souls and Jesus' saving grace. "Let go and let God" has become a popular phrase. Do we really want to be free of sin, or have we gotten used to it, comfortable with it, and don't know what we would do without it. It would change us.... Scary?

This novelette is really quite simple, almost child-like.
The same is true of each of us.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist, or a member of Mensa.You simply need to believe that Someone has more power than you or I will ever have and this is all you need to get through life.

Let go and let God.... and sometimes the best miracles happen in our hearts and minds.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

I Did It For You

In a very few days, we celebrate Christmas.
Ever wonder WHY Jesus was born?
Why did he come to a lowly manger on this earthly planet....

I discovered a site, UGG.org/The Good News, which gives seven reasons why Jesus was born--

1) Jesus had to be born because of mankind's sin.
2) Jesus had to be born because God wanted to reveal His own character to humanity.
3) Jesus had to be born to remove the sins of humankind through a perfect sacrifice.
4) Jesus had to be born for mankind to have a Mediator.
5) Jesus had to be born to provide the promised Seed of Abraham.
6) Jesus had to be born for God to make His Spirit available to all humankind.
7) Jesus had to be born for God to redeem mankind.

Each of the above is supported by scripture passages.
If you dwell on each one, you understand the significance of God's gift in the birth of His Son.

In spite of the immeasurable magnitude of each of these, we need only remember, in His words:

I did it for you. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

A Visit With Ramona

I left a note for my husband, asleep on the couch, and drove to Apple Valley. It wasn't a long drive--a mere four blocks down the street. I'm not sure where the "Apple Valley" came from as it's not a valley and there are no apple trees nearby. It is an assistive living complex and the place I may call home in another 10-20 years. I needed to go. I had not seen Ramona for weeks.

She sat in an upholstered chair near the entrance where she could watch others come and go. A friend, dressed in a vivid pink sweatshirt, her feet a foot off the floor due to her small stature, sat nearby.

Ramona offered coffee, a cookie, and a rocking chair. I sat and we chatted, smiled, chatted, and giggled like school girls. Although there is an age difference, I consider her a very precious friend. If it weren't for Ramona, I would not be posting this blog. You see, fifteen years ago, I joined a group called Alpha Writers--a group Ramona had initiated many years before. At that time, she emphatically told me, it is okay to say, "I am a writer."

During Alpha Writer's meetings, Ramona critiqued my poems. She is still the best person I know to assess, evaluate, and appreciate the nuances of what I write. I value her highly for this reason. I treasure her for many other reasons. She seeks to be purposeful. Relationships and communicating with others are important to her. She sees positive qualities in each of us. She makes Apple Valley a better place just because she is a part of their community.

It's interesting to me that our names often tell something about us. Ramona means mighty, wise, protector. In spite of her five foot height, she fits her name's meaning. She made my day!

Give me a faithful heart, a likeness to thee, that each departing day, I henceforth may see.... some work of  love begun, some deed of kindness done, some wand'rer sought and won, something for thee.      Sylvanus D. Phelps

Thank you, Ramona.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Need A Break?

A little time to think, to write, to take a walk, to look out a window at the clouds... a time to clear my head. It's what I needed.

I had just finished a big project that took weeks of planning. After the event, I thought I would sleep like a baby. It didn't happen. My system was too wired.

However, good sleep did come the following night, and I awoke on a Monday morning with what I thought would be a day of feeling "free." Nothing hanging over my head that I had to take care of.


When fixing breakfast, I encountered cranberry juice on various shelves of the refrigerator. The bottle had been slipped into the refrigerator on its side and slowly leaked to every layer leaving a sticky goo. Had I not been so busy, I probably would have noticed this days before.

The laundry pile needed attention.
When did I last dust the house?
Neglected paperwork lay in a pile on the kitchen counter along with pots and pans needing to be put away.

My phone squeaked with an email needing my attention.

Free day?

I once told a friend that I just wanted to feel "free." Puzzled, she asked, "What would that take?"
I couldn't answer her but I have come to realize that it has to start in my head and my heart.

Simon and Garfunkle sang "Feeling Groovy" in the 60's...  Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobblestones, looking for fun and feelin' groovy. Ba da da da... I got no deed to do, no promises to keep...

No deed to do? No promises to keep? Sound good at first, but upon reflection, seems rather purposeless. Maybe, even boring....

In my bedroom, I have a Bible verse posted. It reads, Now the LORD is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces, all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the LORD who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

I like the  idea that I'm being transformed whether I'm feeling groovy or up to my ears in responsibilities. It seems we need to find a balance in all of this stuff called "life."

I think I'll take a slow walk, take in the clouds, and deal with my laundry tomorrow. Life is good.