As human beings on a spiritual journey, we are going to have questions. Lots of them...
What do you want for lunch? Why did you get home so late? are not the kind of questions I'm thinking of.
Why do the innocent suffer?
How can human trafficking, politics without principles,
murder, rape occur in a world God created?
These are the kind of questions I'm speaking of.
It is okay to ask God questions. God created us to be curious. In asking, we have the potential to develop a closer relationship to our Creator. And, also in asking, we hopefully learn to trust.
There are over 3000 questions asked in the Bible. The book of Job asks the most. In its 42 chapters, Job asks questions;
his three friends ask questions of Job. However, my favorite part starts in Chapter 38 when the LORD finally speaks with His questions.
Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? ....
Who shut up the sea behind the doors?...
Have you ever given orders to the morning? ....
Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom and spread his wings toward the south?
Does the eagle soar at your command and build his nest on high?
Possibly our questions are best answered by reading God's questions to Job....