Saturday, March 9, 2013


...  The rain fell, the rivers rose,
and the winds blew
and pounded that house...
Matthew 7:24-

There are times when we are tested by disappointments and tragedies.  Hardship, sickness, confusion, and danger keep us awake at night filled with worry.

However, if we remember that God is our strength, our focus changes.  When we trust God's plan and understand His eternal love, we experience GRACE.*

Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine
and acts on them will be like a sensible man
who built his house on the rock.
The rain fell, the river rose, and the winds blew
and pounded that house.
Yet it didn't collapse,
because its foundation was on the rock.
Matthew 7: 24025

 Julie, protagonist in We See In A Mirror Dimly, frets as her life takes one bizarre turn after another as she questions her husband's intent, her family circumstances as a child, and even herself.  She returns to her mother's gravesite and the church she attended as a child where she asks her pastor, "What is grace?"

He pauses, steeples his fingers and responds, "Grace? What a wonderful question. Not a common one, though. Let me see what I can do for you...  It's a girl's name, although not very popular anymore. It's another word for a prayer...  What is grace? Most importantly, you need to know that it is all around you. You just have to ask for it; it comes from God; it gets you through the day; it gets you through life. It's the power to accomplish in our lives what we cannot accomplish on our own. It saves you; it makes eternal life possible...  For life' its more important than the air you breathe or the water you drink. It's divine. It's unmerited."
          (from We See In A Mirror Dimly, published 2010)

How does WEBSTER define grace?

*unmerited, divine assistance
*a state of sanctification
*a virtue coming from God
*a short prayer at a meal
*a kindness, a favor
*a pardon
*a charming trait or accomplishment
*ease of movement

Ledea, protagonist in The Secret Is, grew up on the wrong side of town with her mother. A devastating accident in high school, falling in love with the wrong man, moving into the little brown house on the lake, and discovering the box room at her grandparents' house all held secrets.  A persistent pastor was one of several who helped her survive all that life had thrown at her.  She memorized her favorite Bible verses as a child. As an adult, Pastor Simmons prompted her memory.  Her favorites included:
"The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid." --and--
"The eternal God is your dwelling place and underneath are the everlasting arms."
                       (from The Secret Is, published 2010)

God shields us from most of the things we fear,
but when He chooses not to shield us,
He unfailingly allots grace
in the measure needed.
                   Elisabeth Elliot

As a Christian, you have many reasons to be confident.
God is in His heaven; 
Christ has risen
you are the recipient of God's grace.
        Day 67, 365 Daily Devotions For Women

For He Himself is our peace... 
     Ephesians 2:11

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you...  
   Let not your heart be troubled;
   neither let it be afraid.
      John 24:27

 Father, in the dark moments, help me to remember that you are always near
and that You can overcome any challenge. Keep me mindful of your
love and your power, so that I may live courageously 
and faithfully today and every day.
Day 55, 365 Daily Devotions For Women

I leave you with--
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. 
   Colossians 4:2

Next blog:
 The Story Behind The Story

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