Thursday, September 5, 2013

Peccadilloes, Termites, and Small Things

Something to think about...?

A peccadillo is a small sin 
or slight offense.

A termite is a smallish,pale, soft-bodied social insect that lives in colonies with wood-eating habits.

Peccadilloes and termites are both small things.
What else do they have in common?

*They both damage unprotected items or persons.
*They have a habit of remaining concealed until discovered--at this point, perhaps causing severe damage.
*Once committed, the peccadillo or termite do not limit themselves. They continue their damage in other ways: the termites by continuing to damage paper, cloth, carpets, etc. The small sins by adding other small sins.
*Termites destroy wood; peccadilloes destroy relationships.

Small things?
I think not.

He that is faithful in that which is least
is faithful also in much:
and he that is unjust in the least
is unjust also in much.
Luke 16:10

Most of us are not familiar with Ananias and Sapphira's story from the Bible: 

     In a nutshell, Ananias sold a piece of property, but kept back part of the money for himself (with his wife's knowledge). Peter asked him, "Ananias, how is that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied... What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to a human being but to God."
   When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died.
   Several hours later, his wife, Sapphira came in--not knowing what had occurred.
   Peter asked her, "Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?"
   She lied, too, and responded with a "yes."
    She fell down at Peter's feet and died as her husband did.

Make you nervous?
I'm glad God doesn't strike me dead for lying...
or other peccadilloes.

However, I need to be reminded that:
*Falsehoods are termites in the trunk of any relationship.
*The second lie is always easier to tell than the first.
What a tragic web we weave
when first we practice to deceive.

whether they be lies, 
taking what is not yours,
 inconsideration of others--
 like termites--
cause destruction. 
Termites damage wood, paper, cloth.
Peccadilloes damage intimacy,
 trust, peace, and self-respect.

I've seen bracelets with WWJD on them: What Would Jesus Do?
Perhaps, this is a good reminder.

God is good.
His expectations of us are high...
Because he loves us. 

Pray for guidance in all things.
And, give God the glory.

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