Saturday, July 12, 2014

Chilling Out In Alaska

In the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth.

If you have never been to Alaska, you need to go--
the sooner, the better.

And God said, "Let there be an expanse between
the waters...
Let the waters under the sky
be gathered to one place,
and let dry ground appear."
And it was so.
If you have never read Genesis, you need to read it--
it is the book of beginnings.
Without Genesis our knowledge of a creating God
would be pitifully limted....
    Henrietta Mears


When in Alaska, it came to me that this may have been
what the world looked like when God first created it.
There are places where there are no
 telephone or electrical wires, no houses--
Just nature at its best: the various greens, shifting clouds,
the aqua blue water, flying eagles, the ocassional bear,
a moose with a young one, and rivers teeming with salmon.


While the men fished for salmon,
I walked....


...and looked and listened...
rippling waters, the wind in the trees.
Be still
and know
that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
I visited the quaint, little shops, ventured into the library.....


and tried not to miss the beauty of ordinary things..wild flowers...

a former sled dog... needing a friend...

a birthday celebration....
Being still means stopping, relaxing, "chilling out."
When we behold God's magnificent creation--
a mountain top, a double rainbow, a simple flower, the ones you love--
we feel joy and a confidence that God works things out.
We are finite.
God is infinite.
Give praise!
... and book that Alaska trip.

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Nature's Creed
I believe in the brook, as it wanders from hillside into glade.
I believe in the breeze, as it whispers when evening shadows fade.
I believe in the roar of the river, as it dashes from high cascade.
I believe in the cry of the tempest amid the thunder's cannonade.
I believe the light of shining stars; I believe in the sun and the moon.
I believe in the flash of lightning; I believe in the night bird's croon.
I believe in the faith of flowers; I believe in the rock and sod.
For in all of these appeareth clear, the handiwork of God.

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