Friday, January 9, 2015

Swimsuit Shopping and an UGH

I need a new swimsuit, and already know: shopping will not be fun. Previously, I could be picked out at our wellness center wearing my son's football leggings, and a swimshirt--with short sleeves and a slight collar. I know what you're thinking: weird.

leggings and swim shirt?...
probably more appropriate
on a lake than
 I prefer to wear something that doesn't show my cleavage-- because I don't have much of one. I prefer to wear something that doesn't reveal my entire leg--toe to crotch. Why is it that men (unless he prefers the "speedo") wear baggy shorts down to, or covering their knees, and we only have choices that reveal the entire leg?

Chlorine took its toll on the leggings and swimshirt, so I purchased a running shirt and shorts and wore it to swim--not a bad alternative; however, I'm headed to AZ and want to use a pool whenever I get the chance, so I google swim wear on the internet.

My options are numerous: swimsuits that... make you look slimmer, are warmer under the water, hide your thighs, cover your stomach, cover your back. I see: swimsuits for Christian Women. I click the option but still see cleavage and lots of leg. If you keep digging, you can find swim wear that covers you head to toe--something that would surely drag you to the bottom of the pool and drown you.

Whether one is at McDonalds', enjoying a cruise-line buffet, or the grocery store cereal aisle, we realize we have way too many choices of  EVERYTHING. Knowing this, doesn't make my dilemma easier. However, using the internet in the privacy of my home does help. I think....

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
        Matthew 6:25

Something to think about...

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