Monday, May 18, 2015

It Is What It Is? Whatever!

Whatever is a slang term meaning "whatever you say" and "I don't care what you say". The term dismisses a previous statement and could be considered offensive and impolite, leaving the responder with nothing to reply.

This annoying-to-some-of-us word may have started with a l965 episode of Bewitched in which the character Endora exclaims "Alright, whatever" to her daughter, Samantha Stevens...
   Wikipedia info

When one states "whatever," it pretty much stops all further conversation. It's final.

Another phrase which defeated me when I first heard it was, "It is what it is." I couldn't tell you why it bothered me. It just did. One day a friend pointed out to me that it irked her, too, because it was so final. She was right. When one says, "It is what it is," that person is basically saying that nothing will get better, nothing will change. False! Where are my positive-thinking friends?

I'd like to leave you with a different kind of whatever...

For the rest, my brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things have honour, whatever things are upright, whatever things are holy, whatever things are beautiful, whatever things are of value, if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, give thought to these things. Philippians 4:8

May you love life with the love of God
because This is what It is....

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