Monday, June 29, 2015

A HIgh School Reunion and Seasons of Life

June 29, 5:15 a.m. I open my eyes to see a robin-egg, blue sky through the bedroom window. Birds twitter and banter in wild conversations. Nestling back in the pillows, I hear the sound of wind through the trees and then, stillness. Thunder rumbles in the distance as lightening streaks across the sky, splitting it in two. I smell the rain before I hear it. I hear the rain before I see it. When I see it, I want to feel it. So, I leave the warm softness of night-time sleep and head to the front door. Opening it, the wind and rain rush in, and I feel showered with blessings of nature.

June 27: 12:00 noon: I attend our 50-year class reunion. Name tags are helpful. Although each person resembles his or her senior picture, we are each changed. Experiences, relationships, sickness, and time, itself, shapes us into someone new--or someone old?  Underlying the smiles and chatter are issues of broken relationships, disease and sickness, retirement adjustments, along with the lighter side: high school memories, grandchildren, special trips, the "bucket list."

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, ...a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, ...Ecclesiastes 3: 1-6

With the reunion behind me (since I think the way I think), I wonder, what am I supposed to do with this experience? When I graduated, at 17 years of age, I could not even imagine what my life would be 50 years later.

For today, I'm going to reflect on the thought that there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..., enjoy each day, and, yet, plan on a future. What is next? Life is full of change. Sometimes, we may need to nestle back into our pillows; sometime, we may want to rush to the front door for that new experience or opportunity. Through it all, may we embrace life and go forward with the knowledge that God's finger is on everything.
Live life with the love of God.

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