Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pray Without Ceasing? Impossible?

According to a 2014 Pew Research Center survey, more than half of Americans say they pray every day. Even among those who do not consider themselves religiously affiliated, 20% pray daily.

I have a feeling that our prayer requests are linked to our stress monitors. Stress goes up; prayer time takes a hike. Natural disasters, political upheavals, family and relationship struggles, financial crisis, terminal illness. And, yes, all the seemingly small things in our lives which seem big on a day to day basis, like, "please let me sleep through the night, just once," and "Janie studied so hard for this test; it would be nice if she'd get an A, Lord, or at least a B+"... or, "I really, really, really want this job. Can you help me out here, Lord?"

Muslims pray because they are commanded to do so; Buddhists don't pray; Hindus pray and offer gifts to one of their many gods. Christians connect with God through prayers as a child would connect with parents--because of our relationship with him in Jesus Christ.* {allabout}

A pastor shared about a little boy's misunderstanding of the Lord's prayer. "Our Father who art in heaven," he began, "I know you know my name." {Morning With Jesus, Sept/Oct 2017}

How sweet is that! As a matter of fact, He does know your name.... He knew you before you were born; He knows the numbers of hairs on your head; He loves you with an eternal longing. Why wouldn't anyone of us want to spend time with God through prayer?

The Bible verse Pray without ceasing, 1 Thessalonians 5:16, used to bother me; in that, "This is impossible, God." Seriously, I'd have to join a prayer convent.... Until, I began to think of this verse differently: praying without ceasing is an attitude one takes. Reflect the fruits of the spirit-- joy, peace, thankfulness, contentment. Give praise, sing, smile, care for, nurture. Prayers mean more than asking. It involves giving praise, feeling joy, and living a life that reflects the fact that you believe in an Almighty Creator, Ancient of Days, the great I AM.

In the beginning, God--and when the everlasting occurs: GOD.
Reason for prayer, don't you think?

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