Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Not Much Happening?

"What's happening?"
"What did you do today?"

Even if one is quite busy, he may answer not much simply because life becomes routine--as in same old same old.

Well, this morning while sitting at my kitchen table in the quiet, I thought about the "not much happening" phrase and I looked around and listened more intently than I might normally.
I heard the birds' various twitters. I studied the tree tips as the leaves individually choreographed their own dance. A cloud with an intriguing shape transformed into something else right before my eyes. I took a stool and placed it on the front porch and watched the weather. Sounds like a tiger growling, low and insistent, spread through the heavens, and then a crackle, and then another sound like the dismantling of an old metal machine. A rain drop caught my nose, and then another on my foot. Next, the sound of a bass drum and the sky rolling back from horizon to horizon with a light show.
Not much happening?
God is EVERYWHERE.... gotta be a LOT happening.
Perhaps the question is, how do I fit into all this?
First of all, check out nature; she's always got a show going on.
Next, I could call a friend who recently had shoulder surgery.
I will pray for Carol's husband who has been ill.
A plate of cookies to the neighbor lady might bring her a smile.
I can ask someone, "What did you do today?".. and then really listen beyond the not much answer...

Enjoy what is before you, whether it's lunch with your forever friend or a new friend. Perhaps, it's picking up a child after school and an offer of chocolate milk and a cookie. Perhaps, it's staying late at work so someone else can go home early.
Help others by reflecting the love Christ gave you.
Make it happen with prayer and praise to an Almighty Creator who has given us so much.
And get outside a little each day; it's amazing what fresh air and nature's ever-changing portrait can do for you.

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