Monday, December 23, 2019

Lesson From Lizzie

Lesson from Lizzie:  Treasure Within
     Devotional shared by friend and fellow writer, Ann Walker, living in Santiago, Chile, who also calls Osage, Iowa her home

It is natural for humans to want security, safety, general things so that "protection for the what-if's of life" are in place. We accumulate, build tornado shelters, take vitamins, collect household items--for convenience, beauty, and the ultimate "just in case." Our homes are stuffed to the gills with STUFF. Perhaps--art work, collections, objects, photos. That is all fine and good. Yet, when layer piles upon layer, we forget what we have and still seek to get more. It becomes a vicious cycle and results in an unending wheel of accumulation.

With the plenty which protects us, shields us, comforts us--perhaps even inspires us--our spirits may have the tendency to become immune to need. In fact, we may accumulate so much that we become over-saturated, and our senses dim.

This may also be true with our spiritual self. Our layers of activities, thoughts, motions all create layer- upon- layer; and the path to our soul becomes cluttered and confused. We are unable to recognize the treasures we possess within.

A friend shared a story about her little dog, Lizzie- -Lizzie LOVES her treats. Treats are her treasure, and she will do anything to get a special morsel---paw hello, find her toy, beg, roll over, sit in the passenger seat and more. The latest trick (for a treat, of course) is to ring the Santa Claus bells. Why? To communicate that  it's time to go outside.

As I listened, there was an "a-ha" moment, just for me.
Whenever Lizzie does get her treat, she does not eat it. Instead, she buries it, hides it. It could be in the yard, under the sofa, in a hidden corner in the kitchen, even under a cushion of a chair. She does not eat her treasure; she saves it. Keeps it for the future. Buries it because it is a treasure. Hides it so it won't get lost; no one else will find it nor use it. 
I reflected about how so often we humans are Lizzies. We receive treasures from our heavenly Father, yet we do not use them. We hide them! 

I had to laugh--thinking of all the treasures (physical, material, spiritual, musical, and more) I have buried, or hoarded, or hidden throughout my lifetime. 

Today, in this Advent season, a spiritual lesson was given to me. 
The messenger, a dog!

Now is the time: It is time to take heed of the message of  "Sleepers, awake."   No more burying my treasures. It is time to listen, embrace, use, and share. It is time to keep my ears and eyes and heart open. God is calling. He is speaking directly to me. "Stop hoarding. Stop  burying your treasures. I gave them to you so they may be used."

With God's grace, I can turn to Him once again and ask with confidence, each and every day: "Lead me, Lord."

Each one should use whatever gift he has received
 to serve others, 
faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 
1 Peter 4:10

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