Tuesday, December 29, 2020


FOMO, fear of missing out, is a current social media acronym. 

As a young person, I thought I should at least know as much as my friends did--about what was going on in our world, what was going on at school, what was going on with them. At seventy some years of age, I do not like to clutter my head with stuff I do not need to know. 

However, I do learn something new on most days. If you listen to the news occasionally, use any form of social media, or have a book handy at bedtime, the opportunities are limitless. I actually became aware of FOMO while reading a daily devotional; I also became aware of JOMO, joy of missing out, at the same time.

With political divisions, indecisiveness, criminal behaviors, etc., I have no fear of missing out on what is happening in our country. Fear of what is happening is more likely. Perhaps JOMO would make it possible for many of us to get a better night's sleep. If you have a tendency to be less social to begin with--you already understand this JOMO as you are out on your personal walk, gazing at the clouds, listening to the birds. 

Fear doubts the goodness of God's grace.

Walking around with your head in the clouds or buried in the sand is not the answer either.

Let's go back to a popular acronym with Christians several years ago. There were bracelets or sweatshirts with WWJD imprinted on them.

WWJD, what would Jesus do, is an encouragement to live the same way that Jesus would. Impossible? Yes, however, it is what God desires for us to strive for. 

WWJD, spelled backwards, could be "devil just won't win" .... And, basically, that's what it comes down to when you put your trust in Him.  FOMO? Fear of missing out on God's plan for your life? Pray. He'll guide you. JOMO? Every day will be blessed in some way when you walk with your Creator God--and put worldly concerns in His hands. Yes, there will be joy and an incredible peace that is not possible anywhere else. Anywhere.

2021 begins soon. 


 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

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