Sunday, November 13, 2016

Relationships and All Reality

“One of the most important scientific ideas to emerge in the 20th Century showed that all reality from the atom to the universe can be understood in terms of relationships.”

Cassandra (from DO NOT BE DECEIVED) struggled with her many difficult relationships—her father, her classmates, a boyfriend. However, some of her relationships were positive-- a best friend, a church lady, the witch across the road. She took what she had—her relationships with the people in her life, the place she lived, her perceptions of life—and tried to understand what was happening and why. She goes further and works with the “so what.” In that, what do I do with what has happened to me; what is my message that can help others?
The above quote provides enough information for a day-long discussion. Think about the flowers in your back yard, the mountains in the distance, the brewing thunderstorm, cancer, an emotional outburst. They each have to do with interactions.
      Considering all this, what an amazing Creator we have. Knowing this, we can understand things differently.

Psalm 16 reads, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;…”  Cassandra, like you, had people in her life, she had a place to live and grow up, she had God’s spirit within her. What she did with all this became her legacy.
Something to think about.

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