Saturday, January 24, 2015

Echo Words


An echo is a word or phrase coming back to the listener --after the first word or phrase is spoken.

As a child, we had fun echoing in an empty room, in a canyon or valley-like area.

Words from the past that have hurt badly enough to never be forgotten sometimes "echo" in our brains when we find ourselves in an empty room, isolated. Or, in the valleys or canyons of our lives.

We've accepted these words in shame. Or, we fight back and attempt to destroy the thrower with words of our own--more echoes. Both unproductive.

How do we stop it? Staying out of the canyons and valleys of our lives seem like an obvious solution. However, sometimes we land in these places without warning, unaware: those closest to us hurt us with words---perhaps due to their own pain and hurt.

It happens. No immunity, here. When we do end up in this place, it helps to know that God feels your pain, He sees your pain, He knows it, He cares.
He asks you to respond as He would: With LOVE...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Cup of CoffeeThe idiom, wake up and smell the coffee, is used when someone is misdirected or uninformed and may need encouragement to re-think a possible stance. Personally, I enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning. It doesn't have to be Starbucks; my Kuerig One-Cuper makes a fine cup. The aromatic smell of coffee, itself, got me started. I just finished a Guatemalan Coffee Pods pack and want to keep the package just to smell it.

If you google coffee-history, you'll find words like Ethiopia, monastery, the 15th century, and lively birds. Obviously, another topic for another time.

In a recent conversation with a friend, over a cup of coffee, she shared that she was a Christian (sort of), but didn't know if she believed in this heaven/hell stuff. I stifled a wince. I have recently been reading/listening to a Beth Moore Bible study on Daniel. Yes, the Daniel of-the-Lion's-den. You may remember that Daniel interpreted King Nebuchanezzar's dream. This dream covered the times to come for them and for us. Thousands of years of history have recorded the fulfillment of this prophecy. Who are we to think that the rest would not possibly come true?

Yes, God's kingdom will come and fill the whole earth.
Wake up and smell the coffee!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Questions With No Answers

 I've asked a couple of questions recently... ones that were easy to answer.
How/when do you pray?
Do you remember your first sin?
I'm winding up with two--
       questions that are very connected.

What is unsolved in your heart?
 What questions have you locked away?
It seems that all the why, what for, when, how, where questions that rumble around inside our heads are connected to issues that are unsolved in our hearts. For me some of the unanswered questions I have, I have had for years, even decades.
I have to remind myself that God's understanding is not my understanding. How could I possibly "get" something that the Creator of the Universe "gets."

Rainer Maria Rilke wrote ... be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and... try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue...

This is a rather interesting way to consider what is unsolved in our hearts, our locked-away questions. Dear friends, life is a mystery. Chapters unfold in sometimes scary, sometimes incredible ways. But, God's finger is on everything. So: trust.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Do You Remember Your First Sin?

I was in Woolworth's with my mom--and a brother or two. The wooden floorboards were warped  and made squeaky noises with every step. Dust bunnies hid in the corners and cracks and shifted slightly as the over-head fans did their best to keep us cool. I had just stolen a stick of Juicy Fruit gum from the large barrel by the check-out corner and slipped it into my pocket. I followed my mother out the door; I followed her down the hot, cemented sidewalk and to our station wagon. I fingered it all the way home not daring to unwrap and taste the sweetness of if.

At home, I was extra quiet and a tad-bit fidgety.  I soon escaped from the house and ventured to our treehouse, the gum still in my pocket. Alone, I took out the gum, folded and folded it until it was crushed. Next, I hid it under the sticks of our little tree house make-believe fireplace and prayed no one would find it.

I never told anyone for years because I was ashamed. It was a child-hood thing and a forever lesson. I had no desire to feel that uncomfortable again about doing something I should not have done.

...the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing... Romans 2:15

Enough said...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

We Need More Leo's in Our Life.

We need more Leo’s in our life! I know three. Two of them live in my hometown. One is older and has accomplished much due to generosity and an industrious nature. The other is very young, adventurous, and has his entire life ahead of him.

Product DetailsI just finished a re-read of the book BUS 9 TO PARADISE by another Leo. Buscaglia is his last name and although the book was published in l986 and Leo died in 1998, the book speaks to me today. If I tell you that he was known as “Dr. Love,” this will all start to make more sense.

Buscaglia, while teaching at USC, was moved by a student’s suicide to contemplate human disconnectedness and the meaning of life. He began a non-credit class called Love 1A. Can you imagine his full classrooms? At one point, his televised lectures were the top earners of all PBS programs.

For what it’s worth, I am sharing a few thoughts/quotes from his book.
 With everything going on in the world today….some of this may help.

*In reality we never lose the people we love. They become immortal through us. They continue to live in our hearts and minds and therefore participate in much of what we do

* the act of forgiving we release ourselves from bondage…. To not forgive hurts us more than anyone else.

*…when we are loved, the people who love us want us to be what we are, not what they are.

*It’s a fact that all of us are just a little crazy, and… we should rejoice in our foolishness from time to time.

*Sometimes, to do nothing is to do something.

*You have a right to be yourself. So many of us live our lives to please others and conform to their image of us.

*We have been taught to follow the Golden Rule—not that we become shining examples of behavior, but that we realize one more way of better understanding one another.

Love God.
Love your fellow man.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Swimsuit Shopping and an UGH

I need a new swimsuit, and already know: shopping will not be fun. Previously, I could be picked out at our wellness center wearing my son's football leggings, and a swimshirt--with short sleeves and a slight collar. I know what you're thinking: weird.

leggings and swim shirt?...
probably more appropriate
on a lake than
 I prefer to wear something that doesn't show my cleavage-- because I don't have much of one. I prefer to wear something that doesn't reveal my entire leg--toe to crotch. Why is it that men (unless he prefers the "speedo") wear baggy shorts down to, or covering their knees, and we only have choices that reveal the entire leg?

Chlorine took its toll on the leggings and swimshirt, so I purchased a running shirt and shorts and wore it to swim--not a bad alternative; however, I'm headed to AZ and want to use a pool whenever I get the chance, so I google swim wear on the internet.

My options are numerous: swimsuits that... make you look slimmer, are warmer under the water, hide your thighs, cover your stomach, cover your back. I see: swimsuits for Christian Women. I click the option but still see cleavage and lots of leg. If you keep digging, you can find swim wear that covers you head to toe--something that would surely drag you to the bottom of the pool and drown you.

Whether one is at McDonalds', enjoying a cruise-line buffet, or the grocery store cereal aisle, we realize we have way too many choices of  EVERYTHING. Knowing this, doesn't make my dilemma easier. However, using the internet in the privacy of my home does help. I think....

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
        Matthew 6:25

Something to think about...

Monday, January 5, 2015

No Heaven or Hell?

If you knew for sure there were no heaven or hell,
would you act any differently?

I recently saw this question in a magazine, and to be honest with you, I can not answer it.
I can not answer it, because I can not believe that there is no heaven or hell. It has been ingrained in me since childhood Sunday School classes, confirmation, and a somewhat spontaneous, sporadic, and yet diligent study of God's word.

I guess my best answer would be: I would not act differently, because there is a heaven and there is a hell.

And, besides that, I love God...I want to please him, I want to reflect his love. So, even though I'm not perfect by a long shot, I'm on my way to heaven and it's not because of my behavior. It's because of God's grace. Hallelujah!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Jesus Prays for His Disciples

While preparing for last week's  blog, a friend's blog ( used John 3:6--

I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world.
 They were yours;
you gave them to me
and they have obeyed your word.
In this verse and those following Jesus was praying for his disciples.
In John 20-26, Jesus prays for all believers.
This is you and me.
It is a beautiful passage.
..I pray also for those who will believe in me
 through their (the disciples') message,
that all of them may be one, Father,
just as you are in me and I am in you.
What a glorious thought: oneness with one another.
Oneness in God.
....I have made you known to them,
and will continue to make you known in order that
the love you have for me may be in them
 and that I myself may be in them. vs. 26

If I just remember this... my days will be different in a wonderful way.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Pray Without Ceasing. Impossible?

How/when do you pray?

I grew up in a home where we recited memorized prayers as a family before a meal, after a meal, and before going to bed. This tradition continued with our own family—except for the after-the-meal prayer. Now, living in a home without children present, I pray spontaneous prayers when I get up in the morning flat on my face. This needs explanation: I started out my mornings flat on my face on the floor several years ago. It was a good position to stretch my neck muscles. Later, I figured this was also a good time to pray--humbly. I continue to pray our family, “Come Lord, Jesus, be our guest...” before meals. I pray during devotions and before going to bed at night. If I get up during the night, which happens more than I would like it, I pray for whoever comes to mind before falling back asleep.

You may be thinking, “She prays a lot.” Okay, each prayer takes maybe 30-60 seconds or less. Of course, when there is drama or virtual trouble or pain with family or friends, it is easy to pray constantly. As a matter of fact, sometimes, I cannot stop pleading with God to heal, fix it, or do whatever will take the pain away.

There is a Bible verse that reads, “Pray without ceasing.” When I first read this, I thought IMPOSSIBLE. However, I think it is telling us that we need to feel so connected to God that he hears our sighs, knows our longings, feels our joy.

Confession: Even though prayer comes naturally for me when alone, I still feel uncomfortable with spontaneous prayer with others—concerned that my words won’t sound right.

What about you? Do you fold your hands, get down on your knees, pray while you’re walking, only use memorized prayers, or cry out with any words you can think of?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hard Questions to Answer

Happy New Year!... and, I'm not talking resolutions.
I am going outside the box and asking questions.
Questions, that might change how we view the New Year...
I'll ask you 1-2 questions a week.... sending the first one out in a day or so. The list is below
....ready for the ride?

.... your comments may lead to more comments...go ahead and suggest questions of your own :)

1. How/when do you pray?
2. If you knew for sure that there was no Heaven or Hell, would you act differently?
4. Do you remember your first sin?
5. Are you guilty of acting righteousness?
6. What is unsolved in your heart?
7. What questions have you locked away?
   (... be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and... try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue..{Rainer Maria Rilke}
8. Your parents' faith? How much did it impact you?
9. Many religions have a tradition of sacred dance.. so is there such a thing as sacred gardening, sacred walking, sacred child-rearing?