Monday, December 4, 2017

Need A Break?

A little time to think, to write, to take a walk, to look out a window at the clouds... a time to clear my head. It's what I needed.

I had just finished a big project that took weeks of planning. After the event, I thought I would sleep like a baby. It didn't happen. My system was too wired.

However, good sleep did come the following night, and I awoke on a Monday morning with what I thought would be a day of feeling "free." Nothing hanging over my head that I had to take care of.


When fixing breakfast, I encountered cranberry juice on various shelves of the refrigerator. The bottle had been slipped into the refrigerator on its side and slowly leaked to every layer leaving a sticky goo. Had I not been so busy, I probably would have noticed this days before.

The laundry pile needed attention.
When did I last dust the house?
Neglected paperwork lay in a pile on the kitchen counter along with pots and pans needing to be put away.

My phone squeaked with an email needing my attention.

Free day?

I once told a friend that I just wanted to feel "free." Puzzled, she asked, "What would that take?"
I couldn't answer her but I have come to realize that it has to start in my head and my heart.

Simon and Garfunkle sang "Feeling Groovy" in the 60's...  Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobblestones, looking for fun and feelin' groovy. Ba da da da... I got no deed to do, no promises to keep...

No deed to do? No promises to keep? Sound good at first, but upon reflection, seems rather purposeless. Maybe, even boring....

In my bedroom, I have a Bible verse posted. It reads, Now the LORD is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces, all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the LORD who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

I like the  idea that I'm being transformed whether I'm feeling groovy or up to my ears in responsibilities. It seems we need to find a balance in all of this stuff called "life."

I think I'll take a slow walk, take in the clouds, and deal with my laundry tomorrow. Life is good.

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