Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mystery of the Tissues

There were tissues all over the place. Every coat Mom owned had numerous Kleenexes stuffed in each coat pocket. They came out of the dryer in particles having been tumbled about with her clothing. When cleaning her bedroom, I checked under the bed and counted over two dozen of them--some used, some partially used, some in waiting.

Why all the tissues? I wondered.

Mom died about ten years ago, and over my own passing years, I've solved the mystery.



Sounds disgusting, I know. I'm not sure if this is genetic or just something aging people put up with. When I googled the reasons for chronic runny nose, I learned that it can be caused by anything that irritates our nasal tissues. The common cold, allergies, and the bottom line is that some of us have a drippy nose for no apparent reason.

There are no tissues underneath my side of the bed; however, they can be found up my sleeve (okay, both sleeves), in my waistband, and in a pocket or two. Yes, they are in both coat pockets of any outerwear I pull out of the closet. There's a Kleenex box in most rooms and in our car.

Where am I going with this?
Give me time....

Okay, just got it. (It's amazing what the mind does when the fingers are flying across the keyboard.)
With time, we figure a lot of things out.
There are things that are not that difficult or impossible to understand, one just has to "be there" to get it. More often than not, this takes time.

Elizabeth Bowen wrote, No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye.
In this instance, the mystery is your nose.
More on that at another time.

Psalm 139:14...I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 

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