Monday, September 6, 2021

The Podcast Experience, Butterflies, and no do-overs....

Earlier she had emailed me, writing, "Don't be nervous." 

The day came, a few butterflies landed inside me as I drove to the local library where I had reserved a room for a quiet environment. I taped a sign on the door, "Do not disturb. Taping ...," locked it, and waited for a call from Suzanne Harris, web talk radio host. The cell phone rang right at 10, and we were laughing within seconds. The butterflies found other landing spots. I felt like we were chatting--new friends-- over a cup of coffee. 

I had my papers in front of me: thoughts concerning the story-behind-the story, the notes on the book Thou Shalt Not, and, of course, the book, in case I wanted to read something from it. My cup of English Toffee coffee from Kwik Trip was within reach along with a cough drop.

We both cleared our throats, she punched the recording button, and started the podcast. Oh my goodness, light-hearted music, and then Susanne with Welcome to books on air, the podcast you won't want to miss. I'm Suzanne Harris and today you're going to get a sneak peak about what it's like to be an author...." Hmmm...would I be able to come through and make it all interesting to someone? Anyone?

It all seemed to go nicely until the last question when the butterflies returned with all their cousins. Suzanne's last question, When the reader finishes, do you just want them to feel entertained or is there something else you want them to take away from the book? I hesitated, and then said something like, "That's big. That's really big. That's maybe even vast." Vast? I never used the word... Where do I go from here, I thought, while my mind was asking me the question, "Is there such a thing as a do-over for a particular question..." 

I started with There's a lot to figure out about life..... what happened way back then still plays out in our lives today and I used the words fascinating...a purpose.... a part of something bigger than anything you have imagined.

After the interview, Suzanne told me she would let me know when the podcast would air, and we said our goodbyes. I lamented over the fact that my last answer was so random that no one would "get it"... And, maybe, if I would listen to it, I wouldn't even get it.

She gave me a chance to witness my faith. And, I never mentioned God. Hopefully, the something bigger and better than we can even imagine hints at God-- so that the listener may think about the possibilities of hope and a future with a loving God no matter the life journey taken.

From now on, when I see the book, Thou Shalt Not, I will remember to Thou shalt not miss an opportunity to witness my faith. God has assured me that he works through us--no matter our failings. Amen and thank you Suzanne for the opportunity.

Click on the above webtalkradio site to listen in.


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