Sunday, August 4, 2013

What Every Young Wife Ought To Know

The young wife should take not less,
but more pains to make herself as attractive
after as before marriage. (1901)

Emma F. Angell, a physician, 
wrote What Every Young Wife Ought To Know in 1901.  

What else did she have to say?

*The nervous system is a little more highly organized than in man.The heart and blood vessels adjust to swifter work.The brain is quicker.The muscles are not so hard and tense.In place of the logical, she possesses the intuitive mind which makes her capable of reaching a conclusion while man is thinking about it.

*She has less strength but greater endurance. She is less daring in achievement, but more patient. She is less forceful but possesses quiet insistence.

*On the subject of obedience? Each seeks willingly the opinions and wishes of the other. Each must acknowledge the individuality of the other and respect differences of opinion. 

*What shall the young wife expect to be to her husband? First, his equal, but not his counterpart.

Eighty years later, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, 1982, published an article, "The difference (you thought you knew?) between men and women."

Let me share; please?

David and I, married 5 years, 1975
-better night vision
-more acute hearing
-stronger immune system
-higher ratio of fat
-lower metabolic rate 
       (we've always known it is harder to lose weight!)

-color blindness more common
-stutter more
-higher ratio of muscle
-more red blood cells
-less heat tolerance

David and I, married 40 years

Why can't women be more like men?
Or why can't men be more like women?
Genes and hormones affect human development and our general health.

Well, it's 2013.
What else have we learned about the differences?
And how much of it really matters.

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God
he created him;
male and female
he created them.

What does the Bible say about males and females?

-We were created equal.
-We were created to be together.
-We were created to be different.

Our differences
can be sources of bitterness and division
as part of the way
we complement one another.

Consider human dignity.
Let us all treat each other as sacred persons made by God for God.
And, then, give Him the glory.

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