For example, I drive a car that is almost ten years old. It has a few rust spots on the driver's side door. It is a Buick, and it needs to be washed. If you peek inside, you'll see a bag with workout clothes and shoes, a writer's magazine, sunglasses, a Quick-trip coffee mug, and two garage door openers. Get the picture?
Ever watched someone at McDonalds (or your other fast-food favorite spot)? What one eats, the company he or she keeps, and the conversations reveal all kinds of information. What about the clothing?
On a recent group trip to Washington, DC, an 8th grade boy shared that his mother had a COACH purse. Although she was not on the trip, I already had a picture of her in mind...
What does one really want people to know...?
When you think about what you drive, what you wear, what you say, how you treat others-- is this what you want people to know about you?
With the prevalence of social media, we know all kinds of things about all kinds of people--sometimes, maybe too much.
On the other hand, I think that when we say "nobody really knows me," we feel invalidated, unloved, misunderstood.
So, when we are in those lonely spots in our lives and we are thinking "no one really knows me," what are we really trying to say? I'm going to take a wild guess and say that I think we are saying, "no one really loves me; no one really cares."
Thank goodness, or thank God, He is always in the picture whether we are aware of it or not.
In fact, he knew us before we were woven in our mother's wombs. (Jeremiah 1:5) We are His children, His intended holy vessels. HE knows us.
If you KNOW this... everything else will fall into place.
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