You don't have to go back to college or sign up for an on-line class. Becoming a neuroplastician is easier than you think.
Neuroplasticity is the ability to reorganize itself by
forming new neural connections. Dr. Caroline Leaf, who studies neuroplasticity,
said, “Our thoughts occupy mental ‘real estate.’ Thoughts are active; they grow
and change… Every time you have a thought, it is actively changing your brain
and your body—for better or for worse.”
Scary thought! Whoops, forget that. Let’s go with
“interesting information.”
So, how do I get rid of all that negative stuff whirling
around in my head? To begin, I can recognize them and start to
dismantle each one. If your head is full of thoughts of doubt, fear, insecurity,
bitterness, indecent imaginations--start the dismantling process.
Many years ago, when an early morning alarm jangled, I said, a nasty word. I knew this was ungodly,
of course. So, I threw out the nasty word and started to say “fudge.” Fudge might
have sounded better than the “s” word; however, my attitude was still the same
After much prayer and re-winding that early morning tape, I started out my
mornings differently. A Bible verse came to mine, a favorite hymn, a psalm.
Psalm 121 has been a recent favorite early morning
Neuroplastician or not, these lines from Psalm 121 are better than an early morning
“fudge” any old day.
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