Friday, November 4, 2016

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones....

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” A childhood chant from long ago has stuck with me. I know it is not true.
In the novel, DO NOT BE DECEIVED, Cassandra is ridiculed by childhood friends.

“She’s a liar! She’s such a big, fat liar that her mother and that strange sister left her. Just took off on her. Probably deserved it.” Cassandra is made fun of because her house has a tree growing on top of it. She is called “loser,” “white trash,” and “witch-girl.”

She is also made to feel small and insignificant by her father.
“What kills the skunk is the publicity it gives itself.” … and “Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

Insignificant? Unworthy? Unloved? An unknown? A mistake? Some of us can relate to Cassandra in that we have had moments in our lives when these feelings surface. However, when we seek God, we see a different perception. Significant. Worthy. Loved. Purposeful. From Psalm 139 we read, “You formed my inward parts…. I am fearfully and wonderfully made... and my soul knows it very well…. In your book were all written the days that were ordained for me…”

Yes, sticks and stones may break your bones, but the Word of God helps, guides, instructs, heals all things. Please know, that he did form you, that he knew what your life would be like before you were born, and that he has a plan for you. Time to seek Him….

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