Tuesday, November 8, 2016

You Are Light in the Lord!

Although DO NOT BE DECEIVED is a 300 page novel, Cassandra's life could be summed up with the verse from Ephesians 5:8—“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.”
Abandoned by her mother and left with an abusive father during her growing-up years, how could she possibly live “as children of the light” when her world was so dark….

As we each are in our individual situations, Cassandra was frail, susceptible—shaped by her life circumstances. However, she never gave up seeking something bigger and better than her personal trials. Through these struggles, significant characters came into her life—one of them being Pastor J who gave her several type-written sheets of prayers. Cassandra thought he had over-done it! She didn’t even know if she knew how to pray.
However, she took the prayers from Paul’s book of Ephesians and started to pray, “I ask God, the glorious Father, to give me the Spirit who will make me wise and who will reveal God to me so that I may know him. I ask that my mind may be open to see his light so that I will know what is the hope to which God has called me…and how very great is His power at work in us who believe….”

There were other prayers. Cassandra prayed them in the morning, in the evening, and when she thought she could no longer take what her life offered and came to understand that God’s word was crucial to her existence.
Praying is simply talking to God like you would a friend. However, the Bible has some pretty neat prayers, too.
Need a prayer for the day?

 For once I was full of darkness, but now I desire light (truth) from the Lord.  Feelings change, minds change; I am frail, susceptible—shaped by my life circumstances. My conscience sometimes changes in the heat of anger or times of great emotional stress. Help me to go forward trusting God’s word, the unchangeable standard, the Light and Truth essential to my life. Amen


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