Sunday, February 5, 2017

Talking to Yourself?

Some of us talk to ourselves; okay, most of us do. Have you listened to yourself lately? It happens more than you think. It may be inside your head; it may be a noticeably bantering conversation as you walk down the hall back to your work space.

Most of my inside chatter happens when I awake during the middle of the night and wonder why I'm awake in the middle of the night.

This is how it works: For heaven's sake, it's only 2:30. What are you doing? Well, okay, if I can't go back to sleep, I'll consider what I did or didn't do yesterday.... And, just how did that work out for you, Kathy? ....Let me see, tomorrow? Oh yes, this is what I need to do tomorrow.... If I don't fall back asleep, the inside chatter gets less mundane. Things from the past come tumbling into my head and I ask myself, Why did you do that? What were you thinking? Of course, I try to defend myself. It's only natural to do so....

Because this endless chatter sometimes gets nasty, I say to myself, Stop. Don't do this to yourself. This is not positive stuff.

I've tried to stop the negative inside chatter by filling my head with prayers for others, a hymn from my memory. Lately, I've been saying the alphabet and listing something to give praise for with each letter. It is more interesting than counting sheep. Baa!...

It has been said that how a person thinks is how she is.
Scary? Thought about your thoughts lately? Your inside chatter?
Why not talk to God? The Creator of the Universe is right there--just waiting to hear from you. And, isn't that awesome.
He can more than likely take care of those things you think about so much.
Forget the sheep... Try counting blessings and turning your inside chatter over to God.

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