Sunday, April 2, 2017

Gilead, Balm, Healing, and Hope

Gilead is a region of Palestine known for its balm.

Is there no balm in Gilead?
Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no healing
for the wound of my people? Jeremiah 8:22

A balm is a healing, restorative ointment.
There is actually a plant named Balm of Gilead.
It has aromatic leaves; it soothes, relieves and heals.


"Balm of Gilead" is a well-known Black-American spiritual. A version of this song has been found in an 1854 hymnal... The words tell of hope mingled with despair....

There is a Balm in Gilead

There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul.

Sometimes I feel discouraged,
And think my work's in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit
Revives my soul again.


The spiritual is a reminder of a God who is bigger than any of our problems; it is a reminder of a love so great that Someone died for each of us that we might live eternally.

Although Balm of Gilead is a reference from the Old Testament, the lyrics refer to the New Testament and salvation through Jesus Christ. It is interpreted as a spiritual medicine that is able to heal Israel--and sinners like you and me today.

He died for all.

Holy Week and Easter are on the horizon.
Think about what Jesus, God's son, did for you and me.
Talk about sacrificial love.... Talk about a reason to be...
... no matter your circumstances.
There is ALWAYS hope because of THIS.

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