Thursday, February 1, 2018

What Do You Believe to Be True About God?

During my younger years, "Do you believe in God?" seemed fundamental to any conversation about my faith. As the years have passed, scripture studies, various experiences, and my thoughts are more often of, What do you believe to be true about God?

When sharing a family meal with grandchildren, it is common for one of them to suggest conversation starters. This usually involves a question, such as, "What is your favorite color?" or a request, such as "Name some things that fly."

If you reword these same questions or requests with, "What do you believe to be true about the color blue?" and "What do you believe to be true about things that fly?" --the conversation takes a twist in deeper and broader thinking.

In high school, I once asked a boyfriend, "Do you believe in God?" I was flabbergasted when he said, "no." In my innocence, I thought everyone believed in God. He explained that he was agnostic. I was bewildered, not even knowing what the word meant.

He returned the question, "Do you?"

"Of course," I answered.


And, that's when I became silent. I believed because that was the way I was brought up. Our family got up every Sunday morning, dressed in our finest, iron-pressed clothes, and recently shined shoes, piled in the station wagon, and drove the 12 miles to church--rain, shine, or blizzard-- where we heard the Word of God.
How could I not believe?

Other believers do not grow up in the faith but come to it because of experiences, study of God's word, and/or a friend's gentle, loving, Godly persuasions.

Although my belief was always with me, I have come to view it differently because of experiences, the study of God's word, and hanging out with gentle, loving, Godly people.

And, so now, I want to ask my grandchildren and I want to ask you, What do you believe to be true about God?  What you believe to be true about God and who you increasingly believe God to be will expand your own insightfulness in who you believe yourself to be. Something to consider....

What do I believe to be true about God?
He is my Savior, my King, my Helper in time of need, my joy, the Creator, the Ancient of Times, The Beginning, The End, my Everything....


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