Monday, June 13, 2016

Learning To Swim.... and Perseverance


I started swimming lessons at an early age. My brothers and I rode a school bus to Lake Okoboji, daily, for two weeks and practiced blowing bubbles under the water, floating on our tummies and, then, our backs. We flutter-kicked and dog-paddled. A few years later, a nearby town built a pool, and we took lessons in the shallow water with our eyes on the deep end where the diving boards drew our attention. The classes were a great get-a-way from the heat of the day on a farm with no air conditioning. But, it wasn't all fun. I remember choking, water up my nose, getting splashed, moments of fear, and the feeling that I might not pass.

In high school, I acquired my lifeguarding certificate, and in college, my Water Safety Instructor permit. This training enabled me to work at the YWCA (yes, there was a Women's YMCA way back then) teaching swimming lessons. I did this for four years while in college.

Like most learned skills, we usually start out struggling--choking, moments of fear, and inadequate feelings. Perseverance is so needed in every area of life. Relationships? One's work place? Technology? Need I say more.... it possible that this would even be true in my faith journey?....
 ....Sometimes, it's not fun, sometimes I "choke," sometimes, I have moments of fear. However, I do know that I'm going to pass. I also know that I'm not going to pass based on my abilities or righteousness. The only way I can "pass" to live in heavenly glory is because of God's grace and His Son who made it possible.

So, the answer to the question Is perseverance needed in my faith life?... is YES.

Hebrews 12 reads... Therefore,... let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

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