Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Rain and Vulnerability

It's raining out. A nice soft rain, and, yet bearing down pretty good. I start my daily devotions/Bible study, but I want to watch the rain. I open the patio deck and let the cool air and wetness come in. What is it about rain that makes me melancholy? What is it about rain that causes me to be reflective?

My mind takes me back. I wish I had been nicer to my mother during my teen-aged years. I wish I had spent more time walking about the farm with my dad and listening to his musing. I wish I hadn't hit my little brother in the head with a bat. (We always played "first bat" after dinner every day, and he was in my way.... ;-(... he grew up and became an archeologist, so I guess his brain is okay). I wish I had made better decisions to do something productive during my college summers instead of sitting around and thinking about how lonely I was.... And, of course, marriage and the parenting years have all kinds of "I wishes"-- more vacations with kids, teaching them to be good at serving others, volunteering.

But, here, I sit with the rain falling. I can't change anything that happened, but I can think about it differently. In that...

Drip down, O heavens, from above, And let the clouds pour down righteousness; Let the earth open up and salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it. I, the LORD, have created it. Isaiah 45:8

It seems that rain comes most often in the Bible bearing good things. Maybe the melancholy, musings, reflections are helpful in re-establishing my priorities on this journey. What I've done (the good and not-so-good), where I want to be headed...

Something to think about....

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