Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The New Year and Resolutions

Early 20th Century New Year's Resolution Postcard

Happy New Year ....

It is 2014
and with “new years,”
some of us make resolutions...
or used to...

A recent study showed that 88% of those
who make New Year’s Resolutions fail.


A New Year’s Resolution is when someone makes a promise or sets a goal for herself. It usually involves an act of self-improvement.
Examples of New Year’s Resolutions might be:
*Lose weight, eat healthy/nutritious meals, exercise
*Think positively, laugh more
*Get a raise, get a better job
*Take a trip, take a class,

make new friends, spend more time with family...

You will note that each of these
involves making a CHANGE.
And, with these changes...
are we hoping to be more happy?

The Serenity Prayer reads...

God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed. Courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Living one day at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that You will make all things right. If I surrender to Your will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life. And supremely happy with you forever in the next.

In reflecting upon my own past New Year’s Resolutions, I have noted that they were all about me. Did I think that having a more nutritional diet would make me happier? Did I really believe that finishing some of my projects would make me more content? Maybe, momentarily. I have discovered, however, that I am most happy when I am at peace, and that this is a spiritual gift from God—not anything I can attain on my own.


So this year—yes ,I will try to exercise more, spend more time with our grandchildren, etc. However, I have a new resolution that is less about me and more about others: I want to slow down, connect  with those I meet in passing and give a helping hand whenever I can—whether it be a listening ear, running an errand for another, or really listening to a child’s chatter without being in a hurry.

To do any of this effectively, I must invite Jesus to rule over my heart so that we can work together to do the work he would choose for me to do.
Did you read the last line
of the early 20th century post card
at the top of the blog?

Dear Lord, let me find contentment and balance. Let your priorities be my priorities. And when I have done my best, give me the wisdom to place my child-like faith and trust in you.

    Happy New Year ... Giving God the glory.

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