Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Blood Sister

Under a dim light bulb in Donna’s basement, we washed grime from the recently gathered chicken eggs and then played a game of pool. With a houseful of sibs, her basement was a good hideout from others and the summer heat. Somewhat bored, we talked of starting junior high, who our teachers might be, going out for sports for the first time, and boyfriends.

With only a handful of classmates in our rural area, Donna and I had become best friends in second grade and the BFF stuck. She had three sisters and one brother. I had five brothers and no sisters...and, I wanted one. I’m not sure who thought of it first, but we decided that we could become secret blood sisters. Still in the basement, we came up with a plan. She would stick her finger with a needle. I would stick mine. We would press our fingers together and presto, it would be done: blood sisters: forever.
Well, the discussion and final decision took a long time as I was a chicken. I fainted easily. I wanted to be her blood sister, but feared I would I end up on the basement floor white as a ghost with her family staring over me and the secret no longer a secret....

While I sat on an overturned bucket --trying to talk myself into it, trying to talk myself out of it-- Donna gathered alcohol, a long needle, and cotton, and returned to the basement. I took a deep breath under the shadowy light overhead and watched her prick her finger and the blood ooze out. “It’s your turn,” she said. I turned away from her so as not to see the bright red drops on her finger and scratched my own finger. No blood. I scratched harder, and enough blood seeped from my pointer finger. We pressed our fingers together and said, “We are blood sisters!”
I can’t say I felt any different after the deed was done. I can tell you that she is still one of my best BFF.

In our wonderful and worldwide family of God, we have fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters wherever we look because “in Christ” we are blood relatives either way. Yes, He shed his blood for us so that we might be a part of His family.

Need a BFF?
Need a blood sister or brother?
You already got it....


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