Friday, May 31, 2019

A Personal History of Coffee and Me

Somewhat fascinated with the huge, blue-speckled pots on the church kitchen gas stove, I asked, "What's in that?" as I watched an egg being dropped in each. The earthy odor from the boiling pot lingered as the circle ladies, with aprons tied around their waists, made ham salad sandwiches and cut pieces of cake from donated pans.

It boiled in an old tin pot in our farm kitchen each morning (without the egg). Dad and Mom had it for breakfast, mid-morning with a sweet roll, and if any was left-over, it was sometimes served the following morning. (Waste not; want not.)

I'm sure I must have ventured a taste of it while growing up; however, my next memory occurs in college. I was now of age to drink the bitter drink. It went especially well with the sweet rolls served each morning in the cafeteria. It also was effective in keeping me awake when I needed to study for those dreaded exams.

When a teacher, the work room had a large pot with a spigot. Cups were hung above it with identifying names. I used the Styrofoam cup instead, filling it half full, not yet addicted to the caffeine.

I'm not sure when it became part of my routine to drink it each morning, and, without it, I was less like-able, less- productive, less- everything.

When I ran a Daycare out of our home, I would escape to the local Kum and Go very early in the morning to pay for a cup of High Octane and sip it on the way home along with a creme-filled donut.
Talked about an energy-boost.

After the kids left the nest, I met one of them at Star Bucks and let them order my Joe. It was a first and last experience, My jittery-ness lasted throughout the day; I had over-dosed.

When I acquired my one-cupper, I thought Java Heaven had arrived. Nothing like a fresh brew coursing through my veins to start the day.... just my cup of tea. The creme-filled donuts no longer appeal to me. A bowl of cereal, an egg and toast, or cottage cheese and fruit may be the morning fare. However, the cup of coffee still joins me for breakfast. It stays beside me as I read a daily devotional. Along with being thankful for morning birds chirping, a gentle breeze playing with the tree leaves, I thank God for a good cup of coffee.

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