Sunday, September 20, 2015

What Is Better Than Life Itself?

Autumn has always been my favorite time of the year. The air changes, the clouds shift, the trees drink in as much sunshine and summer air as possible as their auburn leaves begin to blanket the ground below them. Although the sun grows weary and our days are shorter, there is something about fall that heightens my expectations.

Each of us has our favorite season, and during this time of the year, we feel a little lighter, a little more positive. So, what could be better than life, itself, during this favorite time of the year?

Psalm 63:3 reads: My lips praise you because your faithful love is better than life itself!

Often, the demands of daily life become our priorities. There is just too much to do, too many people to see, etc., that we forget God. Whenever your favorite season, grab it, enjoy the beauty of God's creation, and drink it in while knowing that God's love is immediate and accessible during every season of the year and every season of life. Because HE IS--the season of the year doesn't matter.

Give thanks to the LORD,
for He is good;
His love endures forever.
Psalm 118

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