Wednesday, December 7, 2016

You Can Tell a Lot By a Book's Cover....

Book covers are interesting. At times, they seem not to be related to the book at all. Sometimes, they give a clue as to what the story is about. In the novel, DO NOT BE DECEIVED, there is an evergreen along with grasses on top of a house. We first learn of the evergreen when Donna Verrill, a new student, introduces Cassandra, her friend, kiddingly with, “This is Cassandra. Cassandra Walwyn. She lives in the house with a tree growing out of it.” Others picked up on it, but were not as kind, ending the statement with, “She’s weird.”
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Several chapters later, Cassandra asks her dad if they can take the tree off the house and decorate it for Christmas.  Her dad explains that if the tree is uprooted from the roof, snow will drift down on her sleepy head. So, the tree stays until much later in the book when something explosive happens.
The tree is significant to the story. Cassandra lived a desperate life. Desperation digs a hole, something gets planted (maybe for good; maybe for bad). The tree had roots on the roof, but, of course, they were shallow roots; nevertheless, it thrived. Like Cassandra’s life, her roots in love were shallow. Her roots in God’s grace were shallow. But, they were thriving nevertheless because of her perseverance.
I hope you read the book and find out what happened to the tree and to Cassandra….

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