Tuesday, December 29, 2020


FOMO, fear of missing out, is a current social media acronym. 

As a young person, I thought I should at least know as much as my friends did--about what was going on in our world, what was going on at school, what was going on with them. At seventy some years of age, I do not like to clutter my head with stuff I do not need to know. 

However, I do learn something new on most days. If you listen to the news occasionally, use any form of social media, or have a book handy at bedtime, the opportunities are limitless. I actually became aware of FOMO while reading a daily devotional; I also became aware of JOMO, joy of missing out, at the same time.

With political divisions, indecisiveness, criminal behaviors, etc., I have no fear of missing out on what is happening in our country. Fear of what is happening is more likely. Perhaps JOMO would make it possible for many of us to get a better night's sleep. If you have a tendency to be less social to begin with--you already understand this JOMO as you are out on your personal walk, gazing at the clouds, listening to the birds. 

Fear doubts the goodness of God's grace.

Walking around with your head in the clouds or buried in the sand is not the answer either.

Let's go back to a popular acronym with Christians several years ago. There were bracelets or sweatshirts with WWJD imprinted on them.

WWJD, what would Jesus do, is an encouragement to live the same way that Jesus would. Impossible? Yes, however, it is what God desires for us to strive for. 

WWJD, spelled backwards, could be "devil just won't win" .... And, basically, that's what it comes down to when you put your trust in Him.  FOMO? Fear of missing out on God's plan for your life? Pray. He'll guide you. JOMO? Every day will be blessed in some way when you walk with your Creator God--and put worldly concerns in His hands. Yes, there will be joy and an incredible peace that is not possible anywhere else. Anywhere.

2021 begins soon. 


 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Doggo: Just One More Christmas Story

 Our grand daughter cuddled with her Dad one evening during Christmas week. An Advent Calendar, dollhouse, decorated tree just for her own room, a shelf with dozens of books filled this four-year old's bedroom--along with more than a dozen stuffed animals scattered about. Because she had a love for all creatures, every imaginable critter gathered here--in the corners, the closet, under the bed, behind the door. She especially had deep, sincere feelings for her soft and cuddly dog, Doggo--always knowing his whereabouts. 

She had diapered this plush creature, washed him with wet wipes as needed, kept him warm in blankets, made a bunkbed for him, fed him, potty-trained him. She was the Momma for Doggo. It was bedtime, and therefore, story time. And story time usually meant Doggo was present, too, predictably wrapped in her arms. 

Her father, thinking that this four-year old daughter of his, could benefit from the real meaning of Christmas, told her about Joseph and Mary, their journey to Bethlehem, and the birth of the baby, Jesus, in a manger--shepherds on the way. She listened intently, her eyes never leaving his face--realizing the seriousness of this revelation.

"And this is why we celebrate Christmas," Daddy finished. "Because it is Jesus' birthday." 

She looked at her dad with a look of wonder, took a deep breath, and said, "Daddy, it's Doggo's birthday, too!" And, smiled. 

When I heard this precious story, I thought, "So cute, but she kind of missed the point."

Just today, December 26th, I got the point!

Our grand daughter in her loving environment, with her loving parents--a daddy's story, a creature she adored in her arms--felt love. God is love. He sent his only Son to prove this love. 1 John 4:16 starts with God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him...."

And, of course, Let the little children come to me... for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these... from Matthew.

Happy Birthday Jesus.

And, Happy Birthday Doggo and to the rest of creation's critters.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tell Your Story

 A little over 2000 years ago, a very pregnant Mary was riding a donkey on her way to Bethlehem--the city of David. Bethlehem was the place where God first's appointed earthly king, David, was born and raised as a shepherd boy 1000 years before Mary took her journey.

Because Mary and Joseph were both of the lineage of David, they made this trip to take part in a census as was the law during the time. 

We know the story: they ended up in a stable because there was no room in the inn. A stable with noisy and smelly animals. A stable where the Christ child was born. Can you imagine Mary's thoughts? Gabriel had told her she would give birth to a son, that his name would be Jesus. He would be called the Son of the Most High; his kingdom would never end.    
....Talk about over-whelming....

Listen to the song, "Mary Did You Know"... just google it. It will help you understand the magnitude of all this: Jesus' birth!

2000 years later, here we are. It's our story, too, because we are all of the family of Christ. 

Some stories are told. 
Some stories are left untold. 
Tell your story. 
Tell what it means to believe in Christmas. 

I Did It For You


I Did It For You

In a very short period of time , we celebrate Christmas.
Ever wonder WHY Jesus was born? 
Why did he come to a lowly manger on this earthly planet....

I discovered a site, UGG.org/The Good News, which gives seven reasons why Jesus was born--

1) Jesus had to be born because of mankind's sin.
2) Jesus had to be born because God wanted to reveal His own character to humanity.
3) Jesus had to be born to remove the sins of humankind through a perfect sacrifice.
4) Jesus had to be born for mankind to have a Mediator.
5) Jesus had to be born to provide the promised Seed of Abraham.
6) Jesus had to be born for God to make His Spirit available to all humankind.
7) Jesus had to be born for God to redeem mankind.

Each of the above is supported by scripture passages.
If you dwell on each one, you understand the significance of God's gift in the birth of His Son.

In spite of the immeasurable magnitude of each of these, 
we need only remember, in His words:

I did it for you. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020


Morning bares its head—red and hot. A head-less body waits in a prison cell for John the Baptist’s disciples. Servants tip-toe, not speaking, with a cluster of grapes, bread, broiled fish—on a platter. 

Arguments erupt from the street below.  I dismiss those attending to my every need with a slight of hand, curl into a ball—my pampered, aging hands quiver and cover my face.

Men filled with too much wine, talk, desire-- overly attentive to a scantily clad young woman, her full hips and slender arms swaying to the harpist’s strings--fill my head until it throbs.
However, with Herod’s hormones running amuck came a promise: to give whatever she asks. 

Image result for Herodias Daughter Dance
Salome came to me. For show, I hesitated and whispered what she already knew.
My heart quickened as this daughter of mine paraded in front of everyone to her father. “John the Baptist’s head-- on a platter,” she stated. Confidently. Herod’s face paled; he looked to me. His left eye, bloodshot and glassy, twitching, and the tremor in his left hand beginning.

Where is this feeling of satisfaction I yearned for?  Nausea comes in waves.
The king interrupts my thoughts.

“Herodias? You should get up and be about. Our palace aids, the army officers, and our leading citizens of Galilee expect more revelry. Although…” He stutters….

“Although what?” I snap, stand to battle; the platter clattering to the tiles-- grapes, fish, bread strewn.
The old man, he shuffles away. No more words. Sinking to my knees, I choke on each breath. Although restless, I cannot stand—remembering the man in camel’s hair clothing, living on locust and wild honey, preaching of forgiveness and One to come.
Now, his head on a platter drizzled with dry blood. 
A deed that cannot be undone.

Mark 6: 14-26

Thursday, July 30, 2020



Ankles, pelvic bones, fingers root to the earth.  Sounds I cannot yet fathom settle on me: “This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.”

Dew drops cling; what is inside me quivers. I stretch and shed minerals and minute living things. A creature, wide-eyed, stands before me—like me, but different. Feeling free, reckless even, I wander amidst velvety ferns, ornamental flowers, dancing trees—seeing, touching, smelling. There are other creatures—all sizes, all colors, all wonders—with their own movements and sounds.

Then, another sound, like thunder: You must not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, nor touch it. Or, you will die.

Die? What is die.... And, then, the sound of hissing-- “You will not surely die… You will be. Like. God.” 

Be like God…? The other-like-me, his hand envelops mine; our limbs brush. His body heat and needing penetrate. Plucking what is forbidden, I taste and offer what is not allowed. His eyes lock on mine; he bites. The other existing things stop, watch, wait—eyes wide, guttural sounds dropping.

What is this you have done?... The rumbling, again; this time, like sorrow. Sweetness dribbles from the other’s lips. I slowly wipe the stickiness from my own with the back of my hand. The other beasts, their tails swishing, their wings flapping, turn, and leave. What was above swells and veils everything. Silence stretches out with on-coming mist. The man, he looks away. My insides sink.

“But, the Serpent, he….” My sounds stumble on each other. Cold scales slither across my toes, loop my ankles. Stuck. I try to rid the stickiness from my fingers, lips, hands, but everything it touches, sticks, stays. Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh stammers, “But, it was the woman…” and turns his back. He walks from me. I follow. Thorns bite my skin; jagged rocks wound my feet. Ahead lays a twisted path. Eternal judgement plays out--with choices. Children of the devil or children of God?

Genesis 2:4-3:24
Have you ever wondered what you would have done had you been Eve?

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Our World in Transition

Boring title, I know. But, the point I want to make is BIG.

With the pandemic, George Floyd's murder in Minneapolis, the riots it caused across the world, and the Sahara dust storm reaching the US mainland, we have a lot to consider. Our nation and world are in ongoing transition. What next? What will be the new norm? Will there even be a new norm with this and that coming at us like unpredicted hail stones from a suspect sky....

In a "Mornings With Jesus" devotional written before the pandemic, author Cynthia Ruchti writes, "I might not recognize the external serenity if it weren't for my internal serenity. Despite deadlines, projects waiting for me, family health needs yet unresolved--pockets of uncertainty--peace reigns in my soul because the Word of God is true. Jesus is our peace."

I could write, "Despite the pandemic, despite the riots across the nation, despite political upheavals, despite whatever is going on in my family--peace reigns because the Word of God is true. Yes, Jesus is our peace."

Because I have this thing about words, I'm thinking of transitional expressions. Words like, nevertheless, however, even though, regardless, because since....

Need more? Undoubtedly, indeed, obviously, definitely, without a doubt, furthermore, after all....

behind each one of these transitional words and 
what do you get?

Nevertheless: Christ. However: Christ. Because: Christ. Undoubtedly: Christ. Furthermore: Christ...

The answer to your life! Afterall.... In every circumstance.

Due to Christ, because of Christ, you can be at peace. Always, Christ. In every circumstance, Christ.

Give glory. 
For He is our peace.
Ephesians 2:14

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Remedies, Etc

A pain reliever, a treatment, a cure, a legal means to redress a wrong, a solution, an answer, a magic formula....

The AARP Bulletin advertises remedies for *not having enough life insurance *stress-reducers: purchase the Safe Step Walk-In Tub *emergencies: get Life Alert *making life easier with the Jitterbug phone *leaves in your gutter: get Leaf Filter gutter protection and *Scammers: God's Pearl of Wisdom diamond pendant to keep his wisdom close to your heart...always

No matter your age and what you read or what you watch or what you see on faceback, we are deluged with remedies for everything in this life. Mental health, physical health, loneliness, aging, protection....

It's endless!

Is something big missing from our lives for us to pay so much attention to all this glitter....

Is it possible we were created to be this way?

God wants us to feel incomplete. Incomplete, that is, without Him. Incomplete, until we reach our real home, the Heavenly Kingdom. Incomplete, until we understand Christ's death so that we might live forgiven. So that we might live in peace, joy, contentment in every situation and know He's got it.

The will of God will never take you 
where the peace of God will not protect you.

Of course, we need to be discerning in meeting our earthly needs, taking care of our selves, our families, our surroundings; however, God's guidance is needed in all things and when we are Spirit-filled, we will see more clearly.

"...your real life is hidden with Christ in God. 
And when Christ who is your real life 
is revealed to the whole world, 
you will share in all His glory." 
Colossians 3:3-4

That is a one of a kind awesome remedy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

I Will Be Different

I'm not the same person I was when I graduated high school, or college, or when I started teaching or when I got married, or after the birth of the first baby, and then the second.... I'm not the same person as I was when I first retired. I hope not to be the same person after the pandemic has passed-- as the world will not be.

When this all started, I made out what I called my "Corona List." Thankfully, most of these tasks are completed. Besides the sorting, organizing, making new, I have made some personal decisions. For example...

1) I'm not going to wear anything that is uncomfortable again...that includes shoes.
2) I'm going to do a better job of being in the moment whether it's with a person or out in nature. X marks the spot.

However, when working with a Shutterfly account in an attempt to make our Family 2019 album, I ran into frustration after frustration. I made the 800 call to ask for help. They assisted; it did not help. They were patient. A half hour later, they suggested I close down the computer and they would get back to me. Typically, this would have annoyed me. Greatly! But, instead, I felt relief.

I put on my jacket and headed outside to view my surroundings: buds popping from swaying tree limbs, children chattering under a crystal blue sky. The birds looked free-er than I had ever seen them. I felt a touch of heaven as wind tossed my hair.

Thank you God for the opportunity to spend time with you.

I thought of Robin Mark's "When it's all been said and done....

Jesus said,
 "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. 
No one comes to the
Father except through me." John 14:6

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Remembering Mom

Remembering Mom

It's interesting how certain smells, sounds, and sights can quickly take you back home. The smell of bleach, the clunking of pots and pans being removed from the cupboard early in the morning, a tire swing, an ironing board, and a lemon meringue pie only served on Father's Day and a wedding anniversary.

As the years have passed since Mom's death, I have tried to dig up memories of her when I was growing up. Most of them picture her in the kitchen preparing a meal for farmhands, or under an apple tree--her apron full of fruit, or rocking the latest baby brother in her arms after summer dinner time.
Mom working with her own dad before marriage.

When in college, Mom sent letters weekly. Roommates would be astonished at their length, 6-10 pages on both sides, with the routine details of her and Dad's lives. As I write this, it occurs to me where my need to put words on paper comes from.

When the youngest children were out from underfoot, she tackled the grove--picking up dry sticks and fallen limbs to make a pile for burning. The grove had never looked so cared for.

As I look back, older and wiser, I understand that her own work ethic provided one for me along with a sense of perseverance, stamina, and unconditional love for family. It's interesting the things that are passed down from parent to child--things that are not pounded into our heads, things that we just get because we were there, in the presence of someone special.

I miss her even more as time passes.
I'm not sure why. I didn't expect this.
Maybe, it's the understanding that underneath it all, there's something greater going on.
And, we each are a part of this.
Big mystery?

That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ. Colossians 1:26

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Metaphysics Considerations

I like words. When listening to a Jordan Peterson podcast, I found it to be interesting and over my head; however, the word metaphysics stuck with me. I had to know more.

I googled several sites and discovered that a simple definition of metaphysics is difficult. Synonyms included abstract, mystical, spiritual, supernatural. One of the largest areas of philosophy, it deals with existence, identity, time, cause and effect, free will, etc.

Stick with me, the best part is coming...

Simply put, being metaphysical means to be beyond the physical. It means to see life from more than a physical reality (through your senses). Its teaching believes that there is a power and a presence in this universe everywhere. It has woven itself into every part of creation. The air we breathe, the people, the conditions.... Creation is woven in each of us, and we are each of expression of this. Our words, thoughts, ideas are forming our universe! The conditions we see are all an effect of this--of us. We use the non-physical energy and are giving it form.

If I think about what is happening in the world currently...  Well, let's just say, there is a LOT to think about when concerning metaphysics. But, it makes sense... How much of a wake-up call do we need, God?

You will show me the path of life; 
in your presence is fullness of joy; 
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11

Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Blank To-Do List

We attended the Iowa Boys Basketball tournaments on Monday, March 8. By the end of the week, the games were open only to parents. An announcement regarding school closure was announced March 15. Social-distancing started for us....

Image result for Clip Art of Woman Thinking
I started with the list-making. There were certainly enough projects underfoot that needed attention. I dug in with the more-necessary tasks--like sorting, organizing paperwork. I evolved to more fun ones--remaking a wool lap robe my mother had made into a warm wrap-around skirt for me. I have re-read four of my novels and marked the errors. Ugh... what was I thinking? Some spring work has been tackled--garden tilled, front flower patch renovations beginning. Etc.

And, we're still social-distancing -- more like self-isolating. Our groceries are brought to our car. We go for walks. More recently,  I'm paying attention to things that are not on my list. This morning it was a female cardinal in our backyard flitting from one tree to another with me pleading, "Stay, please stay. Build your nest here." Yesterday, I called a Bible study friend who lives alone. I'm not much on the phone, but she appreciated my call. On my walks, I notice things I hadn't paid much attention to before: leaf fossils embedded in new cement, the wonder of clouds changing shapes and colors. Waving to a friend from afar and feeling the warmth in spite of our inability to run up to each other with a hug was oh-so-special.

Instead of filled pages in my planner, I'm looking forward to blank pages now and then. Just what might my day provide for me if the pages were blank in the morning? If I just "be still," what wonder will arrive?

 What is the significance of just being....?

A writer friend of mine questions, "Who will we be when we are who we're supposed to be?"

I have a feeling that checking off items on my to-do lists is not going to get me there...

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Yes, Jesus Loves Me...

   For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son...John 3:16
   We write this to make our joy complete.1 John 1:4
   In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.... John 1:1
   Let the little ones come unto me... Matthew 19:14
   My grace is sufficient for you... 2 Corinthians 12:9-11
    I can do everything through him who gives me strength...Philippians 4:13
   How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1

Until the love of God
is set in a heart,
it is impossible to love
as God intended us to...
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me...
Let us never tire of singing it.
Especially during these unprecedented times...
Sing out; sing believing!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Please don't have a nice day...

Although I usually don't respond to emails from "junk," I was curious one morning and checked one out....
It was an invitation to the London Book Fair
 along with the announcement of its postponement 
due to  Corona Virus issues...

I am not interested in the London Book Fair for a certain price; however, I appreciated some quotes the email included:

1) No one walks a path the same way.
2) There isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've heard their story.
3) Please don't have a nice day. Have a day that matters. Have a day that's true. Have a day that's honest. A nice day? Mmmm, you'll be miserable.  Have a day that means something."

With Cornona news penetrating our brains, we may have forgotten that it is spring. While studying Hosea this same morning, I read Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him! Then He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring. 

This too shall pass was a phrase often used by a friend's mother. It's origin comes from a Persian poet. All things must pass comes from the Bible. Matthew 24

Instead of simply waiting for it all to pass, lets have a day that matters, have a day that means something. A friend of mine is making face masks. Others are sharing childcare responsibilities. Our daughters are working from home and setting up home-schooling routines for their children. Call those who are isolated and lonely. Send a card. Pray. Pray.

Purpose in life is the meaning of your existence. It's nothing that comes like a thunder-bolt. Sometimes, it's the little things you accomplish to survive on a day to day basis. Or, to help someone else survive on a day-to-day purpose.

Ephesians 2:10 reads For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 

We were created to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Have a day that matters.

We're all just walking each other home...
...We're fascinated by the words--but where we meet is in the silence behind them.
Ram Dass

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Details and God

"The devil is in the detail" was a phrase used more in our parent's generation-- an idiom that refers to perhaps a mysterious element hidden in the details, meaning that something might seem one way at first but with more time....

It originated with, "God is in the detail".... expressing that whatever one does should be done with care.

 The LORD directs the steps of the godly.
 He delights in every detail of their lives. 
Psalm 37:23

I am often awed by details that God has included in scripture. Understanding that all scripture is God-inspired and useful for instruction, I sometimes wonder Why all the particulars?

Noah received specific directions on the building of the Arc.
Exodus gave specifics on the construction of the Tabernacle, right down to the type of metal and wood to use for minor parts.
Leviticus was written as a handbook for priests and Levites as to how to carry out the duties of their office, specifically.
Numbers was a census registering clans and families.

Matthew begins with a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah--42 generations of them.
When Jesus feeds the 5,000 in the book of Mark, it tells of how the crowds were organized (in 50's and 100's) and tells what the disciples started with (5 loaves and 2 fish) and then what was left over (12 baskets of leftover bread and fish).
And, Revelation has details with numerous analogies and prophesies concerning the end times that it is difficult for most of us to wrap our minds around it.

As the CREATOR, consider the life of an ant, their colonies, their purposefulness. Consider the galaxies above, the millions of stars. Consider families, communities, countries, the earth and all its complexities and know that He does care. He is a God of details. He created it. He will redeem it. He keeps His promises.

So, just like all those who came before us, God is in the details of our lives.
Stuck at home? Out of work? Homeschooling kids? 

He knows when we sit and when we rise; 
He perceives our thoughts from afar.
 Psalm 139:2

He looks to the ends of the earth 
and sees everything under the heavens. 
     Job 28:24

Even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 
Matthew: 10:30

Knowing this, when you pull the covers over your head tonight
 or when you first place your feet on the floor in the morning, 
you may want to view yourself and the world differently.

If time, check out Bette Midler's "From A Distance" on u-tube

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My Corona List

... my morning devotions were about to-do lists. It was timely as I have what I call my Corona List of projects  during this self-quarantining time. 

Corona To-Do List:
___ clean out, reorganize two file cabinets
___ clean behind washer and dryer
___ hose down patio and outdoor furniture
___ sort through my closet; get rid of items
___ ....

I check out the list in the morning, take glances often during the day,  and reflect on it when climbing into bed. Sometimes, I figuratively pat myself on the back; sometimes, I chastise myself and feel my day has been not purposeful. 

Today’s devotion prompted me to think on Jesus and the Fruits of the Spirit and not what is happening with my little projects. If I did this, my list might look like this:

Jesus to-do List:
___ did I share joy with someone
___ was I patient when frustrated
___ did I use self-control when tempted not to
___ was I gentle when I wanted to show irritation
___ was I faithful as God would have me be faithful (especially in these unprecedented times
___ ....

There are nine Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5) including the above and also love, peace, kindness, goodness.

Image result for free Picture of Michelangelo's Creation PaintingMy time considering my experiences during the day with these attributes would definitely be more purposeful night-time reflections than what I did with a file cabinet or a closet full of clothes.  After all, God wants us to be holy. Holy? Impossible, but a good thing to strive towards.  In other words, did I use Jesus as an example for my own behavior?

Some of us due to self-quarantining have more time for reflection.
Hope this gives you something to think about as you walk your spiritual journey. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay connected to your Creator God.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Wants, Needs, Wishes

It's interesting how our wants, needs, wishes change as the years pass. When I was little, I wanted a doll with eyes that open and shut. A few years later, I wanted a bicycle. In high school, I wanted a boyfriend. In college, I didn't know what I wanted; I just needed to be done, graduate, get a job, and get on with my life. Although I had no idea how that would all play out...

Well, one of my little brothers thought my new dollie needed a bath, put her in the tub, ran water over her, and emptied the A-Jax can on her face. Her beautiful eyes that open and shut became permanently open in a clouded stare. My older brother's friend borrowed my bike on a summer afternoon. It came back with dents and a broken spoke. My high school boyfriend went to another college and eventually into the service. I finished college, got a job...  Life played out with me wanting, needing, wishing for different things as one year became another.

Over time, I've come to understand that the only thing that permanently satisfies me is my everlasting relationship with someone named Jesus.

I realize that there are many in the world who are without adequate food, shelter, and clean water. I wish it were not so. We are fortunate to live in a place where these needs are generally available either because we get a paycheck or there are services available to help those who can not work.

However, I, like most of my acquaintances have a closet full of shoes and clothes, a warm house, plenty of food, and a grocery store down the street. If you have all this and are still wishing and hoping for something else, something forever fulfilling, try Jesus. Your heart's wants, needs, wishes will change.

You may be asking--Try Jesus?--what does that look like, how does that work?
He's beside you, right now.
Tell him of your sorrows, your joys, your wants, needs, wishes.
He hears it all.
Praise him, too.
Because of the wonderful promises He has given you.
It's all in the Good Book, the Bible.
Try John--it comes after Matthew, Mark, Luke.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made;
without him nothing was made that has been made. 
In him was life and that life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness...

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Louie Anderson's book "Hey Mom" or For You and You and You

Hey Mom : Stories For My Mother, But You Can Read Them Too By Louie Anderson - Used (Acceptable, Ex-library) - 1501189174 By Touchstone |

Thanks to a friend's recommendation, I am just finishing Louie Anderson's book, Hey Mom. It's a book of letters to his deceased mother filled with memories of his life growing up as number ten of eleven children and his current life as a comedian. Due to an alcoholic father, an enabler mother who he loved dearly, there was dysfunction. And, therefore, now as an adult, there are questions--hundreds of them. Near the end of the book, he writes...

I have a question for you--you, reader, not my mom, but you: When are you going to contact, surprise, hug the people you love? That's my deadline for everyone... Call your mom. Call your dad...sister... brother... son... daughter... Make plans... with them. Give them some of the time they've given you. Sometimes even give them time they haven't given you... Don't be one of those people who starts weeping with regret...

The longer I exist, desire grows within me to reconnect, reconnect...
God is really into relationships. Did you know that?

Whether your family was perfect or not; whether you were perfect or not, we each are a part of Christ's body and individually members of it... just as are others. 1 Corinthians 12:27

For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are man, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
Romans 12:4-5

The song, They'll Know We Are Christian by Our Love begins with, "We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.."

It's time to reconnect.
Or, it's time to connect for the first time--show you care; give that hug; offer to help out.
It feels good.
It's what God wants for you and you and you....
Also, check out Louie's book. It's quite thought provoking.

Saturday, January 18, 2020


Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 reads Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.

Many of us have been fortunate to have a Best Friend Forever in our lives. Some of us have more than one. These special people allow us to complain, cry, laugh. In turn, they are honest, give encouragement, and simply accept and love in spite of our faults and difficulties. However, when I think of these very special persons, something is missing. I can not talk to them every second of the day; they don't know ALL my thoughts. Because of their own life difficulties, they can not humanly take care of my every need.

However, there is One who can love unconditionally every second of your worst day; you can talk to Him whenever you feel like it. He even hears your sighs, He knows you better than your BFF.  He is your Savior. He is your Eternity.

He is the Ultimate BFF.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to youJeremiah 29:11-12

Time for prayer?
He's already listening.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Memes and Happy Forever

For those of you who like words, I discovered a new one today: meme. Although it sounds like something that might come out of a toddler's mouth, it is an abbreviated form of the Greek word "mimeme" which means something imitated and was coined by Richard Dawkins in l976 to explain how information spreads. A meme can include a belief, fashion, story, or phrase that passes from person to person and is typically short-lived.

After doing a search for meme images, I see Kermit the Frog, French fries, and a poster that states boldly, I HAVE NO DESIRE TO FIT IN. There is such a variety of memes that it is almost confusing.

Image result for Free Picture of Moses And tabletI googled religious memes and found a poster that read, TECHNICALLY, MOSES WAS THE FIRST PERSON WITH A TABLET DOWNLOADING DATA FROM THE CLOUD. I learned during my search that "Memes For Jesus" has almost 500k followers on Facebook with the potential of brightening days and encouraging faith.

Apparently memes are an important means of communicating and a sense of humor helps. Some of the memes, however, were not laughable or even friendly. Like everything in life, Godly discernment is important.

So memes are popular, short-lived communicators whether it be with fashions, food, stories, words and phrases.... But, just a minute, what about Moses and his tablet? The commandments still work for us. Following them makes life easier, more peaceful for each of us, and they've been around for a long time.

And where does God come in with all this? None of his communication is short-lived. It's a forever thing and involves an eternal promise. Happy New Year? Happy forever!

My God is changeless in His love for me. Psalm 59:10
Image result for Meme God With Teddy Bear